Interview: Rachel Crether

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Name: Rachel Crethar

Occupation / Business / Creative Outlet: Intuitive Hypnotherapist

Location: Marrickville / Gadigal Land 

What is your creative practice?:  

My practice is healing through subconscious reframing and visioning. Through hypnosis, I help my clients reframe the old beliefs that are keeping them stuck and get clear on a different possible future for themselves. 

I'm also collaborating with a photographer at the moment as we witness people remembering joy and love through the subconscious and it's bringing me so much happiness. 

What are three rituals that you perform regularly, to keep you present?:

I don't get out of bed until I've done my daily meditation and visioning. It keeps me grounded and centred for the day ahead.

I believe scent is so important, I love sandalwood incense and I will light one with my altar most mornings. The kids will often choose a 'scent' for the day and put the essential oil diffuser in the kitchen on.

Most of my practices had always been mental and spiritual - but I'm starting really get into my physical body more, online pilates or a big long walk are becoming an important part of my daily rituals.

What is your most essential ritual belonging – i.e. a favourite product or belonging that is part of your ritual practices?:

ooohhh can I have more than one? crystals are always on my beside and my altar - as well as sentimental jewellery from my grandmother.

Can you share your soundtrack for stillness – i.e. a favourite song that reminds you to be present?:

Being still had always been a challenge for me until I started meditating, so for me stillness is silence or the sounds of nature. 

My favourite type of songs are ones that tell a story. Courtney Barnett, Joni Mitchell, Big Thief, or any artist that takes me right to the time they wrote it.

What does inviting a sense of ritual add to your daily life and/or creative practices?:
Ritual is weaved through all areas of my life, personal, family and business. Ritual helps me open and close sessions for my clients, it grounds me in the present, it keeps me focused on my goals, and most importantly rituals will help my little ones imprint memories that I hope they hold dear in years to come.


Interview: Anna of Ceremony Cacao


Tend.ed Ritual Listens