Interview: Anna of Ceremony Cacao

Name: Anna Tully

Occupation / Business / Creative Outlet: Ceremony Cacao

Location: Cammeraygal

Star sign: Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, Taurus Rising

What is your creative practice?:  

I’m currently working on a fun project combining my love for art, body awareness and nature.

What are three rituals that you perform regularly, to keep you present?:

Meditation / contemplation

Ocean swims

Finding a patch of grass to lay on in the sun

What is your most essential ritual belonging – i.e. a favourite product or belonging that is part of your ritual practices?: 

Cacao for deepening meditation and creative flow.

Can you share your soundtrack for stillness – i.e. a favourite song that reminds you to be present?:

Breath Chant - Jonny Nash & Suzanne Kraft

What does inviting a sense of ritual add to your daily life and/or creative practices?:

For me, rituals bring comfort, simplicity, intention and reverence. They help me stay connected to what’s important. 



Pink bits


Interview: Rachel Crether